Get ready for an immersive experience with our workshop on designing vibrotactile feedback using real-time collaboration! Our hands-on workshop provides participants with an immersive and engaging experience where they will learn and discuss the design processes behind vibrotactile feedback. Our wireless system creates a powerful tool to design and share tactons with others, enabling individuals to control and actuate multiple local and remote devices simultaneously.
We aim to explore haptic communication through various mediums such as verbal communication, gestures, and tactile messages (tactons) in both co-located and remote environments. Our team of experienced organizers will be on hand to provide technical support throughout the process, ensuring that everyone has a seamless and enjoyable experience.
We are excited to collaborate with you and explore new insights into haptic design communication patterns. Join us in this exciting workshop to learn and design with others!
Delft, Netherlands
July 10. 2023
Assistant Professor
University of Waterloo
The workshop consists of two guest talks, a hands-on session, and follow-up discussion sessions. These are tentative schedules to accommodate our speakers and participants.
PhD Student
University of Applied Sciences Dresden
Research Scientist
University of Lille
PhD Student
University of Waterloo
DFKI, Saarland University
University of Applied Sciences Dresden
PhD Student
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Research Associate
University of Applied Sciences Dresden
Our tutorial on designing vibrotactile feedback using real-time collaboration! Our focus is on investigating how participants communicate their intent using different mediums such as verbal communication, gestures and tactile messages (tactons) in a distributed collaborative design space. Through invited talks by experts in the field of haptics, participants will gain an understanding of haptic design processes from both industrial and academic perspectives. This will be followed by hands-on sessions where participants will collaboratively design and experience vibrotactile patterns in small groups. The organizers will remain present throughout to provide technical support and troubleshooting.
We aim to provide participants with a platform for further collaborations and discussions in haptics research. Thus, we will provide participants with the opportunity to continue working together through our Discord channel and co-author a write-up of the results of this tutorial. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a research study on team dynamics to investigate how haptic teams work together in a group and what factors contribute to effective teamwork and individual performance.
We are excited to collaborate with you and explore new insights into haptic design communication patterns. Join us in this exciting workshop to learn and design with others!