About The Event
Haptic devices have been around for decades, providing critical information, usability benefits and improved experiences across tasks like surgical operations to playful applications in Mixed Reality. We see more and more software and hardware solutions emerging that provide design tools, design approaches and platforms, both in academia and industry. We believe that often, however, designers are re-inventing the wheel, and must spend an inordinate amount of time doing their work, which is not sustainable for long term research. This workshop aims at gathering people from academia and industry to provide a common ground to discuss various insights on and visions of the field. We aim to bring together the various strands of haptics - devices, software, and design - to assess the current state-of-the-art and propose an agenda towards haptics as a united design discipline. We expect the outcome of the workshop to be a comprehensive overview of existing tools and approaches, along with recommendations on how to move the field forward, together.
Virtual Conference
Thursday, 28 April 2022
What are the topics covered in the Workshop?
The goal of this workshop is two-fold: First, we wish to foster exchange between stakeholders in the field of haptic design from both industry and academia. In recent years the interest of companies and founders in haptic feedback has dramatically in-creased, today a large number of companies are producing cutting edge haptic feedback design intended to be used in products. Research in academia often appears to operate in isolation of these efforts. We believe identifying places where these research efforts intersect can benefit all research communities.
Secondly, we wish to identify paths going forward which allow haptic design artifacts, tools, and methods to work together synergistically. While the breadth of artifacts in haptic design can be explained by the complexity of the domain, there are clear drawbacks to this – one might even argue that hapticians tend to re-invent the wheel. If we design our tools differently, might we minimize this? Are there any design choices we make which discourages re-use? Is there something we do not do, which needs to happen to support generalization of our work?
Here is a short list of topics addressed in the context of haptic design:
- Design Tools
- Language, Mappings, and Encodings
- Devices and Controllers
- Accessibility and Communication of Haptic Experiences
Keynote Speakers

Sorbonne University

CEO and Co-Founder
Go Touch VR

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor
University of Copenhagen
1-Day Workshop Schedule
San Francisco PDT(UTC-7) |
New Orleans CDT(UTC-5) |
New York EDT(UTC-4) |
Berlin CEST(UTC+2) |
New Delhi IST(UTC+5:30) |
Hong Kong HKT(UTC+8) |
Melbourne AEST(UTC+10) |
Thu, Apr 28 |
Thu, Apr 28 |
Thu, Apr 28 |
Thu, Apr 28 |
Thu-Fri, Apr 28-29 |
Thu-Fri, Apr 28-29 |
Thu-Fri, Apr 28-29 |
The workshop consists of multiple keynote sessions, breakout rooms and discussion sessions. These are tentative schedules to accommodate our speakers and participants, and we plan to adapt our schedules based on our new participants.
Introducing the Workshop
On-boarding and introduction of participants

Keynote talk by Hasti Seifi
including Q&A

Keynote talk by Eric Vezzoli
including Q&A
Introduce topics and setup groups
First Breakout Session
Topic discussion and presentation of intermediate results

Keynote talk by Vincent Levesque
including Q&A
Second Breakout Session
Topic discussion and presentation of intermediate results
Presentation of the Artifacts and Results
Synthesize and Conclude
Overview of existing resource and look into things that needs to be done

Assistant Professor
University of Waterloo

Raj Joshi
PhD Student
University of Waterloo

Sensorimotor Interaction Group
MPI for Informatics

Inria - Lille

PhD Student
Saarland University

University of Applied Sciences Dresden

PhD Student
University of Applied Sciences Dresden
Call for Participation
This workshop aims at bringing together hapticians working in academia, industry and beyond to discuss current challenges in the domain of haptic design. We recognize that, in our own research practice, we often tend to start projects from scratch, rather than building on top of the work of others. We believe that similar patterns can be found throughout the research field. Reflecting on factors which cause this figurative re-inventing the wheel and identifying strategies to mitigate these will help the field grow harmoniously. To this end, we will host an open discussion on the history and state of the field of haptic design, interleaved with invited keynotes to further stimulate discussion.
The workshop is open to anybody with experience in haptic design such as hardware design, building design tools, encoding haptic experiences, or user-centered design approaches for interactive and playful experiences. It will be held online with possibilities for conference attendees to join from the conference site.
If you are interested in participation, please submit a two to four page position paper using the publication version of the ACM Master Article Template (https://chi2021.acm.org/for-authors/chi-publication-formats). Your position paper should clearly link to at least one of the areas suggested for breakout sessions - (a) design tools, (b) language, mappings, and encodings, (c) devices and controllers, and (d) accessibility and communication of haptic experiences - or should present another area you believe should be discussed. The paper should briefly introduce yourself or your team, provide an overview of what you believe important works in your chosen area are and present your own work in this context. You might highlight where and how your own work was able to build on that of others, as well as where and why this was difficult to do. These position papers will form the basis of the discussions during the breakout sessions. Ideally these discussions will lead to an opinion piece on the state and future of haptic design in HCI, which these position papers will also serve as a basis for. Finally, those authors who wish to do so will have their accepted position paper published on the workshop website. At least one participant from a group that submitted an abstract must attend the workshop.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 5th, 2022 Notification: March 10th, 2022
How to attend the workshop?
Sustainable Haptics Design workshop is offered virtually and you can register for the event by reserving your spot during CHI 2022 registration.
How to apply as a participant?
Participants can apply by submitting the google form. Apply
What should be in the document submitted by the participants?
If you are interested in participation, please submit a two to four page position paper using the publication version of the ACM Master Article Template (https://chi2021.acm.org/for-authors/chi-publication-formats).
Your position paper should clearly link to at least one of the areas suggested for breakout sessions - (a) design tools, (b) language, mappings, and encodings, (c) devices and controllers, and (d) accessibility and communication of haptic experiences - or should present another area you believe should be discussed.
The paper should briefly introduce yourself or your team, provide an overview of what you believe important works in your chosen area are and present your own work in this context. You might highlight where and how your own work was able to build on that of others, as well as where and why this was difficult to do. -
Will the submitted paper be published or displayed in the website?
The submitted paper will be only displayed on the Sustainable Haptic Design workshop website.
Do I need to attend the workshop after submitting an abstract?
At least one participant from a group that submitted an abstract must attend the workshop.
What should I do if I am facing problem during submission?
Please send an email to b3joshi@uwaterloo.ca with the clear details about the issue you are facing.